Guidance for Parents & Carers

We know that sometimes people need help with aspects of parenting and supporting their child. The following services and guidance can provide that help, and class teachers are happy to help liaise if that would be useful:

You can find advice or report a child exploitation or online safety concern through CEOP:

O2 Mobile Review 2024 - Which?  O2 have some great e-safety guidance for parents at

You can access support for parenting through North Yorkshire County Council. NYCC have PRE-PAID for every parent and carer in North Yorkshire to access a course for parents/carers FREE (with access code: NYFAMILIES at: for residents in our area.

logoThere is some really useful advice on how to administer CPR and deal with choking incidents here:

Early Help Service. This is North Yorkshire’s approach to ensuring that children get the support that they need. Find out more at

Sexual harassment and sexual abuse is never acceptable. Advice for families about sex and relationships can be found on the NSPCC website        or the Lucy Faithfull Foundation

Finding the right car seat for a child is extremely important. You can find guidance on keeping your child safe in a car here: 

Dealing with mental health and mental illness in families can be challenging. Advice can be found in this pamphlet from Young Minds:

We know that some families struggled during Coronavirus lockdown and this can make parenting hard. The Mental Health Foundation has some useful advice at:

Keeping children safe online is really important, particularly if they have their own devices or access the internet in their own room. Guidance for children and parents can be found on the NSPCC website: 

Good advice can also be found at:  

Water Safety Information Advice from NY Fire Service about fire and water safety. This slideshow might be useful to read through with your child to prepare them for hazards relating to fire, and water: Primary School Water Safety Presentation

Useful websites

The PANTS / Underwear rule – guidance for parents on how to talk to your child about keeping themselves safe from sexual abuse

CEOP’s Thinkuknow


Childnet International

Fortnite – Staying safe on Fortnite: Battle Royale

Internet Matters


Minecraft – Staying safe on Minecraft

Parent info from CEOP and Parent zone

TIKTOK App – Parent Safety Information

Anti- bullying Alliance

The internet Watch Foundation

UK Safer Internet Centre

UK Safer Internet Centre – Parent controls – Parental Controls offered by your home internet provider