“This is a small school that offers so much. Small class sizes, love and care and a real family feel” (Parent)

Nurturing Our Christian Vision at Saxton

At Saxton, our Christian vision guides our every action and aspiration. It’s a vision deeply rooted in our belief that everyone who embarks on their learning journey here emerges as a successful individual, armed with the courage, compassion, and creativity to shape a better future. We are committed to respecting the world crafted by God, forging a united and caring community through collective efforts.

Our vision, encapsulated by the phrase “Good people, doing well” (inspired by Titus 3:14), underscores our dedication to learning and living with purpose. We instill our Christian values in daily interactions, mirrored in our policies, such as our behavior policy, which embraces restorative practices, ensuring justice, forgiveness, and the nurturing of enduring friendships. Children who embody our vision are celebrated in our weekly worship ceremonies every Friday.

Our vision is a direct response to our unique local context as a small, rural primary school. It’s crucial that we equip all our children to make a meaningful impact on the broader world. As they step beyond our nurturing confines, we instill the courage to face new challenges boldly, an understanding of others, and the ability to cultivate lasting and significant relationships. Our environment holds a special place in our hearts, blessed with a breathtaking location. As stewards of God’s Earth, we shoulder the responsibility of caring for and preserving the world around us.

At Saxton, we take immense pride in our identity as a village church school, and our distinct qualities are a testament to what sets us apart:

  1. Rooted in Faith: Our values, vision, and ethos are firmly grounded in the gospels and teachings of Jesus. This foundation underpins everything we do, guiding our students on a path of moral and spiritual growth.
  2. Holistic Education: We offer a well-rounded and aspirational curriculum that fosters not only academic achievement but also personal character qualities. We aim to instill respect, spiritual awareness, empathy, compassion, a sense of belonging, the willingness to connect, hope, and aspiration. Our goal is to nurture principled members of society who make positive contributions to the world.
  3. Empowering Learners: Our learning experiences and teaching approach encourage children to become self-motivated, inquisitive, curious, reflective, and confident independent learners. They are equipped to adapt and thrive in a constantly evolving world.
  4. Global Perspective: We provide opportunities for our students to develop a strong moral sense of purpose and become advocates for humankind as global neighbors. We believe in the power of our children to make a positive impact on the world.
  5. SMSC Development: We place great value on Social, Moral, Spiritual, and Cultural development. These aspects are woven into the fabric of our curriculum and school life, fostering well-rounded and empathetic individuals.
  6. Inclusive Attitude: Our commitment to promoting inclusion is unwavering, and we wholeheartedly support children with Special Educational Needs. We celebrate diversity and value the differences that make each child unique.
  7. Awe and Wonder: We cherish the importance of children experiencing the awe and wonder of the world around them. Our beautiful location near the church provides a perfect setting for this appreciation.

Collective Worship

Collective worship is a cornerstone of our school life, serving as a tangible expression of our vision. We conduct daily acts of collective worship, each with its unique character. Our goal is to make these experiences inviting, inspirational, and inclusive. Various individuals, including our Executive Headteacher and visiting clergy, lead worship. Additionally, our dedicated Worship Team of pupils takes charge of planning and delivering worship throughout the year.

Our school’s proximity to the church allows us to hold worship there every week. The entire school assembles in the church every Monday, and we also host our main festival services there, such as harvest, Christmas, and Easter. Worship, for us, is a time of learning, reflection, and spiritual growth that enriches the lives of all who participate.

For a detailed understanding of our approach to collective worship, please refer to our Collective Worship Policy.

Religious Education

Religious Education (RE) holds a significant place in our curriculum as a Church School. Operating as a Voluntary Controlled school, we follow the locally agreed syllabus for RE, which covers a range of religions, including Christianity. This program enables our children to explore profound questions about their world, fostering empathy and understanding of others. It equips them with the knowledge to live harmoniously alongside diverse individuals in our community.