
Our school uniform gives the pupils a feeling of belonging to the school community. We think it is very important that we are smart and ‘ready’ for school.

You can read our Uniform Policy here: Uniform policy

In summary, the uniform for Saxton School is:

  • Grey trousers or skirts (girls may wear pinafores instead of skirts)
  • Navy sweatshirts
  • White, navy or gold shirts/blouses (Polo shirts are acceptable alternatives to conventional shirts)
  • White or grey socks
  • Black or brown shoes (trainers are not acceptable).

Children must wear the correct PE kit – a plain white t-shirt (no logos or pictures other than the school logo) and navy shorts. Suitable footwear is required for outdoor games (the children have bare feet or plimsols for indoor PE). Warm outer wear in the school colours (hoodie, sweatshirt etc) should be worn for outdoor PE.

Children should come to school in their uniform and get changed into their PE kit when they need to. For this reason, we suggest that PE kits are brought to school every Monday and taken home for washing on Friday.

There is no expectation that all uniform needs to be purchased new. We have plenty of good quality, second-hand clothing that can be obtained through the school office.

Please make sure that all your child’s belongings are clearly named. All PE kit should be brought to school in a named PE bag which will be provided by school.

Non stitch/Non Iron name labels can be ordered from www.stikins.co.uk using our school code of 17424, this will generate commission on all labels purchased for school, the link below will take you to the site.

Embroidered Uniform can be ordered direct with APC our clothing supplier based in Tadcaster – 01937 833449. They offer free click and collect, or free postage over £45.
