“Saxton school has been amazing for both of my children - the teachers are very close to the children and adapt to their needs.”

Welcome to Saxton, the school where big things come in small packages! We’re proud to be a small school with a big heart. You see, we believe in the power of being small and mighty. We invest in keeping our class sizes small because we know that when it comes to education, size matters.

At Saxton, we’re all about giving each and every child the attention and support they need to thrive. We believe that no child should be just a number. Instead, we get to know our pupils individually, celebrate their strengths, and help them conquer their weaknesses. With small class sizes, we can tailor our teaching to each child’s unique needs, ensuring that they reach their full potential.

The research conducted by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) underscores the effectiveness of reducing class sizes, stating that it empowers teachers to adapt their teaching methods, ultimately transforming the learning behaviours of students. At Saxton, size is not just a number; it’s what makes us exceptional. It’s what creates an intimate ‘family feel’ where everyone is recognised, appreciated, and valued. Children relish the reassurance that they’ll always have the support, admiration, and value they deserve. This environment empowers them to excel both academically and personally.

We’re a close-knit family where everyone is valued and cherished. Our children have the security of knowing that they’ll be supported every step of the way. They’re not just another face in the crowd, they’re part of a community that cares.

And our parents agree! Just listen to what one of them said: 

“From the moment I arrived at Saxton School, I instantly knew this was where I wanted my daughter to go. Nowhere else. Call it a gut feeling. It pulled on the heartstrings, and I knew instinctively that she would be nurtured, cared for and guided to grow to be the best version of herself.

6 years on (and with another daughter also enrolled at the school), I feel as passionately about this school as I did back then. Its ‘boutiqueness’, if that’s even a word, is what sets it apart from other schools. It allows the teachers to know your child in a way that larger schools just can’t and helps forge wonderful teacher/child bonding. Even when teachers move on, which inevitably they do, that bond and friendship remain.


At Saxton, small is not just beautiful; it’s the secret to your child’s success. Join our close-knit community, where every child’s journey is personal, supported, and destined for greatness.