Wraparound Care

Breakfast & After-school clubs We are planning to start breakfast and after-school childcare from the start of the summer term. We are currently recruiting workers for this provision, and if you are interested in supporting us please do apply. The provision will be...
Governor Award

Governor Award

Congratulations! Congratulations to the pupil in Willow Class who has received the termly Governor award. This is presented to the pupil who has consistently demonstrated upholding the school values. She has received a £10 book token, presented by Mr Gemlo, the Chair...
Donate for Bethlehem

Donate for Bethlehem

Friends of the Holy Land During our Christmas service, Fr Chris spoke about the plight of people living in Bethlehem. They survive on very little income and rely upon donations from people around the world, and tourist income.  You can help to support them by donating...
Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival We had a lovely Harvest Festival in church. Thank you to everyone who attended, and for all the generous gifts of food. These have been collected and given to the Food Bank in Selby, where they will be used to support families that need it. We were...
Community Litter Pick

Community Litter Pick

Litter picking on Sherburn Industrial Estate Our Eco Warriors joined in with a community litter pick on Sherburn Industrial Estate. This was organised by Cromwell Polythene Ltd, and volunteers from different companies and organisations came togather to remove a huge...